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The Circles

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Baby in Baptism Clothes
Rites of passage

A series of inititations throughout our life that have been forgotten, the celebration and honouring as we journey through life as a women. Piplings is pleased to offer alternative to celebrate the journey from madien to mother. This includes a Mama Blessing, alterative to baby shower, held in the third trimester to celebrate the mother to be emarking on her journey. A baby blessing after the first 40 dyas postpartum as an alternative to a naming ceremony.  A little madien circle for either a first birthday or for age 5 and up and a baby loss circle to hold space for loss when the mama feels ready to be held and witness, there is no time scale attached to be held with the most supportive women in her life.


If you have a request please do let me know and if we both feel called we can plan a circle together.


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