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Girl in the Woods






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Hi, Tash here, founder of Piplings. Welcome! I am really passionate about providing the wild folk of Dorset with an environment where they can feel included, accepted and celebrated during their journey of life. 

I mostly work alongside families, offering parents alternative spaces to connect to each other, their children and nature.

I believe supporting parents to feel nurtured, connected and part of a community is fundamental to creating a magical childhood for our children where they can thrive and flourish into amazing humans. In order to do this we need to connect back to a time when we came together to share experiences, learn from each other and feel we have a village to support us.

I am a registered mental health nurse working in child and adolescent mental health education across schools in Dorset and am passionate about changing cultures for young people to thrive, I regularly provide training to other professionals and I have a wild wellbeing diploma in parent and baby wellness, and my super power is holding safe spaces.

I offer tree babies and sea babies groups for babies, seasonal celebration events for families, mother circles and wheel of the year celebrations. All groups offer an alternative experience to the normal baby groups and classes and focus on building connection, support, and community for parents to fell included, nurtured and replenish their cup to be able to nurture and support their babies and children.

I offer 1:1 wild wellbeing coaching/mentoring for young people and adults, please get in touch if you require support by booking a free 30 min zoom call. Sessions can be held in nature or virtually and my specialism is trauma informed practice, moving away from the patholigizing of trauma as mental illness and supporting people to understand and heal from what has happened to them. If you would like to to have an introduction to trauma informed practice for your business or job, please do get in contact.

Babies are sensitive to their environment, particularly in the first three months of life when they are making their transition from the womb to the world. They are in a process of adapting and it’s important to be mindful of making their experience feel loving and welcoming.

Babies are learning about the world in every second. They are listening, observing, feeling. Making a baby’s entrance into the community as gentle and nurturing as possible is so important to make them feel safe which is why we recommend baby wearing for classes as it literally creates a cocoon from outside the world giving babies time to emerge slowly and gracefully. Slowing everything down for babies is important.


Babies are never in a rush, Time has no meaning for them as they are present in the moment. The more we can slow down to match this presence the more we can connect with our babies, build trust and understanding and enjoy the moment and experience unfolding. 



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