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Shelf Help Circle

One of the most common chats I have is 'I just finished reading this book should read it, it helped shift my perspective.' Okay so I admit it, I am usually the one saying this!


One of my biggest passions I have carried with me from my childhood is reading, I have always been a complete bookworm, I will ignore the world for 3 days striaght if I am engrossed in a good book.


In recent years I have become a 'shelf help junkie' I regulalry have 3 books on the go and I inhale them. I love to learn alterative views on how we care for our bodies and minds and feel empowered by the literature we can access to inform us, change our mindsets and help our personal development. 


I do have a slight confession. Sometimes I forget to pause, absorb, slow down and put into practice some of the ideas and notions explained to me, even if I consider them to be important and potentially life changing.


Then I had a lightbulb moment, accountability. I never want to let anyone else down and will always show up and do the work when I am with others.


I am so invested in the power of a circle of women. Watching the magic happen in a community of women in a circle never fails to amaze me. The ripple effect we can take with us into our lives and share that magic with others is how as women we canmake impactful change.


So here is my offer the Shelf Help Circle, open to all women, not just mothers. So if you are on a journey of self healing, self education and building connections with other women.

This is the space for you.


Please pop your thoughts about this community shelf help circle by popping your email below and lets get this magic off the ground.



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Image by Kinga Cichewicz
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