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Hi I am Tash, founder of Piplings, partner to the beard and mum of three wild and carefree daughters.

I hold a degree in mental health nursing and a wild wellbeing diploma, my expertise is trauma informed care and I still work in an educational mental health role within schools, offering recovery education to young people, parents, teachers and other organisations.

I am passionate about peer support and using lived experience to build a shared humanity among parents to understand our differences and support each others choices.

 Piplings has been birthed as I realised during my nursing practice that the most effective way to create a world where children are seen, heard and celebated to fulfil ther potential is to create a community where parents can show up as they are without judgement and recieve support to make sense their experiences in a nurturing environment.

This comes not only my clinical practice, it also aligns with my personal expereince of what I needed with two young children under 2 and the struggle to keep all of the plates spinning. 

It is my belief that offering a safe space for parents is fundemental in maintaining the well-being of all parents so they are able to be present with their babies and children.

An expereinced mental health nurse with expertise in creating safe spaces to explore your expereinces and how they impact your wellbeing, I am trained in motivational interviewing, trauma informed care and CBT essentials and have a wealth of knowledge and expereince in mental health, understanding how our trauma impacts our ability to reach our potential. I have nursed, mentored and coached many patients, students and team members in her career to feel confident and empowered in their lives, careers and make impactful changes that empower them.

I bring these elements into all of my groups and 1:1 coaching sessions as I belive in order to go from surving to thriving we need to change the environments that seeds grow, not the seed. We are not broken, the system is. 

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